Mighty Probe Insulated Probing Bar

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A heavy-duty solid probe with the addition of a current isolator to increase operator protection against electrical shock. Designed for easy penetration and withdrawal. The yellow handles are designed for comfort and high visibility.
The Mighty Probe has been tested to 50,000 volts and comes standard with ball nose tip (pointed tip also available).

Available in 1200mm, 1350mm & 1800mm Lengths

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Additional accessories also available

Slide Adapter

The Slide Adapter is available for use with the Mighty Probe. This converts the Mighty Probe into a mini slide hammer probe. The Slide Adapter threads between the shaft and handle of the Mighty Probe. It has a 6″ stroke and adds 8″ to the overall length of the probe. The Heavy Duty Slide Adapter adds an additional 4 lbs making easier to get in some types of grounds.

The Slide Adapter and Pin allow you to lock the shaft in place so your probe feels like a one-piece solid probe.

The Slide Adapter is necessary if you plan on using a Slide Adapter with a Striking Head Probe.  The Striking Head Probe is counter-bored and this adapter is necessary to make sure the threads of the Slide Adapter are completely engaged.

Slide Adapter Stopper is to be used with the adaptor bar


The Mighty Probe coupler is used to add extension rods to your Mighty Probe

Standard Pointed Tip

Standard Ballnose Tip