2 days – 8 am to 4 pm
5/85 Alfred Road, Chipping Norton NSW
MSMWJ202– Use high pressure water jetting equipment
MSMWHS200 – Work safely
MSMPER200 – Work in accordance with an issued permit
MSMWHS110 – Follow emergency response procedures
This course covers training for personnel new to high pressure water jetting and covers everything from equipment, how to operate the equipment safely, the dangers of HPWJ, safe work practices and associated law, work permits and emergency response practices. The end result producing an HPWJ Assistant that requires supervision but more than capable of carrying out high pressure water jet work.
This course is delivered in accordance with AS4233.1 2013 Part 1 High Pressure Water Jetting Systems Safe Operation and Maintenance and National Code of Conduct – Guide for managing Risks from High Pressure Water Jetting.
All persons intending to work with high pressure water jet equipment classified in the Class B range of high pressure water pumps and require knowledge of the associated dangers and how to use HPWJ equipment safely.
This course is a prerequisite for those wanting to progress to High Pressure Water Jetting Operators along with 120 hours of supervised work.
Asset Training recognises accredited training by other Registered Training Organisations, work & life experience and previous training for the RPL process.
Applications for recognition of prior learning should be made via the online enrolment form.
Refresher training or VOC’s are available for this course and are required every 2 years.
Assessment will consist of some written activities with multiple choice and short answer questions plus, a practical assessment covering the use of equipment and a practical assessment in high pressure water jetting.
The operation of Class B High Pressure Water Jetting Equipment requires mandatory accredited training for gun operators and for personnel responsible for the safe operation of equipment and personnel safety.
Photo ID
Long pants and long sleeve shirt
Steel cap boots
PPE for Practical: Hard Hat, Safety Glasses or Goggles, Face shield, Hearing Protection, Water resistant Gloves. (PPE Packs available from our sales counter)
All HPWJ course equipment is provided